btnut/btnode/include/arch/btnode2/btn-hardware.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Platform dependent port connection for AVR ATmega128(L) and BTnode Rev2_2.

26.05.2004 Martin Hinz <>

If you have to distinguish between BTnode rev2 and BTnode rev3 in your program code use following if on def:

 #if defined(__BTNODE3__)
     program code for BTnode rev3
     program code for everything else (BTnode rev2, STK500, linux, ...)


#define APP_UART   devUsartAvr1
#define APP_UART_NR   1
#define BAT_DIVIDER   2
#define BAT_SENSE_ADC   3
#define BT_POWER_ON_PIN   2
#define BT_RADIO_ON_PIN   0
#define BT_RESET_PIN   1
#define BT_UART   devUsartAvr0
#define BT_UART_INITIAL_SPEED   57600
#define BT_UART_NR   0
#define CPU_FREQ   7372800
#define LED0   4
#define LED1   5
#define LED2   6
#define LED3   7
#define LED_PORT   PORTB
#define MCU_ATMEGA128
#define NUTXMEM_SIZE   0xEF00
#define NUTXMEM_START   0x1100
#define RAM_CTR_A_DDR   DDRE
#define RAM_CTR_A_PIN   7
#define RAM_CTR_B_DDR   DDRD
#define RAM_CTR_B_PIN   7
#define sig_SUART_RECV   sig_INTERRUPT6
#define SUART_RXD   6
#define SUART_TXD   5
#define UART0_CTS_BIT   4
#define UART0_CTS_DDR   DDRE
#define UART0_CTS_PIN   PINE
#define UART0_RTS_BIT   2
#define UART0_RTS_DDR   DDRE
#define UART1_CTS_DDR   DDRD
#define UART1_CTS_PIN   PIND
#define UART1_RTS_BIT   4
#define UART1_RTS_DDR   DDRD
#define USE_USART0
#define VCC_mV   3300

Generated on Wed Apr 29 11:12:28 2009 for BTnut System Software by doxygen 1.5.1
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