BTnut Development Tools - Windows Installation

This page describes the installation procedure of the necessary tools for BTnut development on a Windows PC.


Download the WinAVR distribution and install the necessary tools (binutils, gcc, avr-libc, avrdude) you need to get your first BTnut application running.

WinAVR-20060125-install.exe [2006-01-25]

For details on the tools and documentation please consult the WinAVR page.

We further recommend to use eclipse and CDT.

If you're already using the cygwin environment, you can download an install script for WinAVR, Java Runtime Environment, eclipse, CDT and the BTnut system software sources. Get it here: [2006-03-21] Note that in this case, as for all similar cygwin-based releases, you have to delete C:\WinAVR\bin\cyg*.dll after installing WinAVR.


WinAVR (Tool-Chain)

  1. Install WinAVR-20050214-install.exe from CDROM:\tools\avr_win_stuff and copy the sburn.bat script from the same directory to C:\WinAVR\bin\.
  2. Alternatively download the latest WinAVR from and copy and paste the following into a new file C:\WinAVR\bin\sburn.bat
uisp -v=3 -dprog=stk500 -dpart=atmega128 -dserial=%2 --upload if=%1

Eclipse (IDE)

  1. Install j2sdk-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p.exe from CDROM:\tools\java using default settings or download the latest version from
  2. Unzip from CDROM:\tools\eclipse e.g. to C:\Program Files or get the latest version from
  3. Unzip to the same location (!) as above or get the latest version from You may also choose to use the Eclipse update manager. In this case use the update URL
  4. Create a shortcut of eclipse.exe e.g. on your desktop.
  5. Start eclipse and set your default workspace (in this manual C:\workspace).


Installing the System Software

Please continue with step two of the installation process: 2. Installing the System Software.

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